Why Choose Orillia Academy of Karate?

orillia YMCA karate

If you’re looking to get in a little better shape, and would appreciate learning how to defend yourself at the same time,  there’s no better way than signing up with Orillia Academy of Karate!

There are literally hundreds of different types of martial arts styles, and you want to make sure that you are getting a good deal on your karate lessons. Karate studios vary in quality, and unless you know what to look for, you might not make the best choice. There are hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of karate instructors and, believe us, their quality and methods of instruction vary widely!

Let’s take a look at 4 questions to keep in mind when searching for martial arts classes…

How long have they been in business?

This might not seem obvious at first, but the length of time that a karate studio has been in existence is more important than you might think. Why is that? Because martial arts studios tend to come and go. Just because someone has a black belt in karate, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a good instructor.

So if a karate studio is brand new, the odds of its staying around for a long time, are fairly low. But if the program has been around for a little while, it might be safe to assume it has a good reputation.

And just so you know, the Orillia Academy of Karate Program has been in existence since 1988.

Who is the instructor?

Who is the instructor? Is he or she a well-known name?  The instructor makes all the difference. Finding a good instructor is like finding a nugget of gold. The good ones are hard to find, but when you find them, you should really stick to them. Ask the instructor or what his qualifications are and how long he’s been practicing karate. A little legwork goes a long way.

FYI: Orillia Academy instructor Gerry Ramsay started his own training with the Orillia YMCA Karate Program in 1991 and received his Black Belt from the Toronto Academy of Karate & Judo Ltd in 1999. And yes, he’s generally regarded by his students as a “nugget of gold!”

How far will you need to travel?

Location is important.  Is it close to home, and easy to access?  What are the hours? Find out all this before hand. You don’t want to be driving hours just to take a karate lesson here and there. And if you miss too many classes, you probably won’t make such good progress.

While close is better, if a really good instructor is a little out-of-the-way, that might be a good way to go too.

What’s their style?

It’s strongly recommended that you go and observe a class before you sign up. Here’s the thing: some karate schools actually allow contact…meaning that you can, and probably will, get hurt while sparring.

The Orillia Academy of Karate program is non-contact. Students are well-trained not to actually hit, or even touch, their opponents while sparring. This makes for a safe environment where you can learn how to defend yourself without fear of being hit.

So come and check us out. For more information, contact instructor Gerry Ramsay at (705) 326-8259.